Classes · Raising Resisters

Raising Resisters: Radical Childrearing & Education Discussion (Nov 16)

The OS!WN? Collective, Abrome, the Crustacean Zine Library, and Austin YAWP! would like to invite you to October’s Raising Resisters event on Thursday, November 16th, from 6:30-8:30pm. Last month we talked about monkeywrenching the system! How can we leverage, manipulate, or monkeywrench the public school system to promote progressive or self-directed education? As we continue… Continue reading Raising Resisters: Radical Childrearing & Education Discussion (Nov 16)


Conscious Relationships November: Trust & Caring For Each Other (Nov 12)

Conscious Relationships is back for a fifth installment. This month, we’ll be discussing ways we build (or lose) trust in each other, and what it means to care for one another in healthy (or unhealthy) ways. “Conscious” relationships are relationships which are deliberately formed among equals, rather than simply following society’s default scripts. We strive… Continue reading Conscious Relationships November: Trust & Caring For Each Other (Nov 12)


Conscious Relationships October: Meeting & Relating (Oct 22)

Note: This is a repeat of last month’s topic so more people can enjoy the discussion. At the end of this event, we’ll pick a topic for November. Conscious Relationships returns for our fourth. “Conscious” relationships are relationships which are deliberately formed among equals, rather than simply following society’s default scripts. We strive to stay… Continue reading Conscious Relationships October: Meeting & Relating (Oct 22)


Computer Security & Online Privacy Basics (September 14)

In today’s charged atmosphere, activists (and anyone who is politically active) are targeted for surveillance, hacking, and even threats to their safety from police, the government, hackers, even white surpemacists. In this introductory class, we’ll explain the basics of computer security and offer tips on protecting your privacy online. We’ll talk about using encryption to… Continue reading Computer Security & Online Privacy Basics (September 14)


Pre-‘Counterprotest Against White Supremacy’ Potluck Picnic Mixer (September 3)

Are you looking for a protest buddy or tips on how to stay as safe and grounded as possible during heated protests? Do you have questions about anti-fascism in general or antifa in particular? Is your picnic basket gathering dust in a lonely closet? Come on out and join us for a pre-counter-protest picnic specifically… Continue reading Pre-‘Counterprotest Against White Supremacy’ Potluck Picnic Mixer (September 3)


Mutual Aid Group: Let’s Help Each Other & Our Community (Sep 1 Austin)

A gathering of locals who are interested in learning more about mutual aid, and in building a network of mutual aid. In our first meeting, we discussed what mutual aid was, and we started listing what needs/desires we felt needed to be met for ourselves as individuals and in the community at large. We also… Continue reading Mutual Aid Group: Let’s Help Each Other & Our Community (Sep 1 Austin)


Cops & Klan Go Hand In Hand: Copwatch Training & Action (Aug 19)

On Saturday, August 19th, the Peaceful Streets Project and the Oh Shit! What Now? Collective will offer a copwatch training followed by a hands on cop watch session for the community at Monkeywrench Books. As violent fascism spills into our streets, it compounds the already existing threat that is everpresent in marginalized and oppressed communities:… Continue reading Cops & Klan Go Hand In Hand: Copwatch Training & Action (Aug 19)