One People’s Project and Dangerous Ideas Collective are calling for a month of action in October called the Antifascist Days of Unity.
The idea behind the month of action is to help activists build stronger antifascist coalitions where they live. Another purpose is to improve the image of antifascism, since fascists and the far right seem determined to hijack the term and redefine it to mean “any left leaning person we don’t like is a terrorist.”
Here in Austin, we’ll be participating in several actions, starting with a picnic on October 6 at 1pm under Shelter A at Bartholomew District Park.

As part of these events, we wanted to share a collection of zines that would educate readers, inspire them to action, and suggest some concrete actions they could take to be “everyday antifascists.”
Days of Unity Antifascist Zine Collection
In this collection, we focused on zines and hand-outs which are short and simply written, avoiding complex academic language and “discourse” wherever we could.
The zines below are divided into two groups. The main collection were selected to be printed and shared at our upcoming events. To minimize waste and use of paper, we selected just a few of the best (and shortest) topical zines we found. These zines include information on activism, antifascism, alternatives to police, and protecting the rights of immigrants and indigenous people.
The second group contains more great zines, but most of these were longer, or less suited to sharing at our events. They all contain important writing on vital topics, so we still wanted to share them here.
We’ve also created a zip file with all the zines in one place. In many cases, you’ll find versions both for screen reading and for printing.
This list is a work in progress. Suggestions & feedback welcomed.
Zines for printing
These zines were selected for printing and sharing at Antifascist Days of Unity events. In parenthesis, we’ve listed the publisher of each zine.
- 12 Things to Do Instead Of Calling The Cops (May Day Collective / Sprout Distro)
- Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex (Indigenous Action Media)
- Affinity Groups: Essential Building Blocks of Anarchist Organization (Crimethinc / Sprout Distro)
- an•ti•fa zine (Dangerous Ideas Collective)
- Antifascism: An Introduction (OS!WN?)
- Banner Drops, Wheatpastes & Stencils (ACTIVATE/Sprout Distro)
- Free Speech FAQ (Crimethinc)
- Love Trumps Hate: Liberalism’s False Opposition to Trump (Submedia / It’s Going Down)
- Protest 101: An Introduction for New Activists (Oh Shit! What Now?)
- There Is No Migrant Crisis (It’s Going Down), (PDF:
- We Are All We Need (AFSC)
- What is Security Culture? A Guide To Staying Safe (Crimethinc/Sprout Distro)
Additional resources
These are longer zines, or otherwise better suited to reading at leisure rather than sharing at events. These are all great, but we wanted to limit how much we printed at any time.
- 3 Way Fight: Revolutionary Anti-Fascism and Armed Self Defense (It’s Going Down)
- 500 Years Of Indigenous Resistance (Gord Hill / The Anarchist Library)
- An Activist’s Guide to Information Security (ABC Dresden / Sprout Distro)
- Bloc Party: How To Join the Resistance (It’s Going Down)
- Claim No Easy Victories: An Analysis of Anti-Rascist Action (The Anarchist Library)
- Designed To Kill: Border Policy & How to Change It (Crimethinc)
- How Antifascists Won The Battle of Berkeley (Crimethinc)
- I Was a J20 Street Medic and Defendant (Crimethinc)
- Our Grief Is A Starting Point In The Fight Against Fascism (Truthout / Sprout Distro)
- The Struggle Against Fascism in DC: An Incomplete History of Anti-Fascism inside the Beltway (Crimethinc), Printable:
- Together: Booklet to Form Affinity Groups (copy@left / Sprout Distro)
- Towards An Anarchist Ecology (Knowing The Land Is Resistance/The Anarchist Library)
- Trumpism (It’s Going Down)
- We Are All Very Anxious (Crimethinc)
- Whatever You Do, Don’t Talk To The Police (Sprout Distro)
- WTF Is Mutual Aid? A Brief Anarchist Introduction (Oh Shit! What Now?)
All original Oh Shit! What Now? materials are copyright free, except where otherwise noted, and can be freely reprinted, shared, and reused. If you’ve got feedback, email us.