In an age of mass surveillance and increasingly commonplace hacking, protecting yourself online can feel overwhelming. We’ll help you get a handle on your devices, including your computer and smartphone.
We’ll start by explaining “threat modeling,” which helps you understand what steps to take when. We’ll outline some concrete solutions for encrypted messaging, secure email, and protecting your passwords & data. We’ll also give you some simple protest tips.
This class is open to experienced activists, newcomers, and anyone who wants to be safer online.
We strive to make all OS!WN? Collective events a space free of charge oppression, so please leave your hateful garbage at home. For more information, see our FAQ.
We are grateful to Treasure City Thrift for hosting this event. Treasure City is an independent thrift store dedicated to supporting the local community.
Class details
- What? An introduction to computer security, being safer online, and better use of smartphones and technology.
- When? October 18 from 7:30pm to 8:45pm
- Where? Treasure City Thrift, 2142 E. 7th St. Austin TX 78702
- Why? Because technology is a powerful tool for activism, yet dangerous when misused.
- This space is wheelchair accessible and near numerous bus lines including the #4.
- There is a small parking lot, with additional parking available on nearby streets.
- Contact: ohshit@ohshitwhatnow.org