In our culture, intimate relationships come with a host of assumptions about the direction they take, including monogamy, marriage and children. Regardless of what choices we make, the Conscious Relationship discussion group is dedicated to encouraging people to make deliberate choices and question whether these assumptions fit their lives.
During the first two meetings of the group in 2017, we had a general discussion of these relationship scripts. In our second meeting in July, we also discussed the concept of the “Relationship Escalator” in more detail. Below, you’ll find some links and books we mentioned in our discussions, or which were shared on the Facebook event wall.
Our next meeting is August 27 at 6:30pm at Genuine Joe Coffee on 2001 West Anderson Lane. We will be discussing different ways of dating and forming relationships.
- ** Riding the Relationship Escalator (Or Not)
- 4 Lessons Even a Serial Monogamist Can Learn From Polyamory
- 11 Brutally Honest Reasons Why Millennials Don’t Want Kids
- A new way to love: in praise of polyamory
- Fuck Yes or No
- I’m A Mom. Here’s Why I Support Women Who Choose To Be Child-Free
- My Husband And I Are Happily Married—And We Live Apart
- Why You Should Meet Your Partner’s Lovers
- The Ethical Slut (also about to be available in a new revised 3rd edition) by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy
- The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
- More Than Two by Franklin Veaux and Ever Rickert
- Opening Up by Tristan Taormino
All original Oh Shit! What Now? materials are copyright free, except where otherwise noted, and can be freely reprinted, shared, and reused. If you’ve got feedback, email us.
Thanks for linking to my Relationship Escalator article. Your group might also be interested in my new book, “Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator: Uncommon Love And Life,” based on an in depth survey of 1500 people involved in unconventional relationships.
Purchasing info and free sneak preview: OffEscalator.com
Thanks Amy! Your article was very valuable in our discussion yesterday.